Film Simulation LUTs for Fujifilm X-T2 F-Log

What is this?

This is a pack of 3D LUTs that convert the Fujifilm X-T2's F-Log to the following film simulations:

  • Provia
  • Velvia
  • Astia
  • Classic Chrome
  • Pro Neg Hi
  • Pro Neg Std

The LUTs emulate the flattest in-camera settings:

  • -2 Shadow tone
  • -2 Highlight tone
  • -4 Color

This way you can adjust contrast and saturation to your liking.

How does it work?

These are ordinary 3D LUTs that will work in every editor which supports 3D LUTs.
There are a few things to note before you apply them to your footage:

  • For best results, set your white balance properly before you shoot. Use a white/gray card if you can.
  • When your exposure is not at the desired level, use one of my exposure modification LUTs before you apply any of the film simulation LUTs. You can modify exposure from -3 EV to +3 EV, in 1/3 stop increments. This will come in handy when you deliberately expose to the right.
  • Always make sure that your clips are interpreted as video range. When you record externally, you don't have to worry about this as ProRes will be interpreted as video range in both Resolve & Premiere. However, starting from X-T2 firmware v4.00 you can record F-Log internally and it will be full range. In this case make sure you switch the footage to video range, because that's what the LUTs are designed for. Switching to video range in Resolve is easy, you just right click the clip in the Media or in Edit screen, then choose Clip attributes and switch Data levels to Video. In Premiere or FCPX you can use the "adjust_levels.cube" LUT I included in the package.

How accurate is this?

As you might have seen in the video above, you won't always get the exact same image, but the LUTs are likely to be more precise than anything you could do by hand, as far as a general conversion is concerned.
I have created my own method and software to do the conversions, it works similarly to monitor calibration.

How much does it cost?

It's free, but you can buy me a coffee :) This project is a first to me, I look at it as a scientific experiment. I had worked on it for 3 months until I reached a version I considered good enough. It took a lot of trial and error, and a lot of coffee.

Will this work with the X-H1?

You can see it for yourself, I have some X-H1 F-Log footage in the video. The results looked a bit too saturated when I applied my LUTs, so I lowered the saturation a bit. I don't know the reason for the difference yet, and I can't guarantee the color accuracy either. However, if you like the results, feel free to use the LUTs with the X-H1. Just make sure you switch the footage to video range, because that's what the LUTs are designed for. This is important because Fuji's in-camera recordings use the full range, and both Resolve and Premiere treat them as full range. Switching to video range in Resolve is easy, you just right click the clip in the Media or in Edit screen, then choose Clip attributes and switch Data levels to Video. In Premiere or FCPX you can use the "adjust_levels.cube" LUT I included in the package.

The X-H1 clips were generously provided by Check out their X-H1 review here.


Click here to download the LUT pack (ZIP, 25MB)

Inside the ZIP file you'll find the conversion LUTs, the level adjustment LUT, and an Exposure folder. The exposure LUTs are divided into 3 folders:

  • FCPX - Each of these are 7MB 3D LUTs as FCPX does not support 1D LUTs.
  • Premiere - Each of these are 0.4MB 1D LUTs, you can use them in Lumetri/Speedgrade.
  • Resolve - Each of these are 0.4MB 1D LUTs, made especially for Resolve.
These LUTs properly adjust exposure and they won't clip superwhites.